There has been, and continues to be, extensive stakeholder engagement and consultation regarding air quality and the specific Local Air Quality Plan for tackling roadside NO2 emissions in Derby. In addition to two rounds of public consultation, there has been ongoing engagement with local businesses and groups representing economic, health and environmental interests both in the city and the sub-region. One example of this is the site visit with cycling representatives during the consultation to identify and to help mitigate specific scheme concerns.

Consultation results and stakeholder suggestions have been fed into the initial identification of the mitigation measures and into the development of the Clean Air Fund (CAF) bid. Further consideration is also being given to any other funding sources available to deliver other measures to support the wider air quality agenda.

Engagement work will continue beyond the completion of the Business Case, as we are fully committed to working with those who wish to be engaged and provide critical input. It is vital that the proposals are supported by those who have an interest in delivering a plan, which protects Derby’s air quality and environment, whilst supporting sustainable growth in its local economy and aligning to emerging plans to improve wider air quality beyond the issue identified by the ministerial directions.

We have been working closely and will continue to work with the following groups:

  • Derby Green Forum
  • D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership
  • Bus operators through the Strategic Bus Partnership Group
  • Derby Health and Wellbeing Board
  • Derby Voices in Action Youth Council
  • Derbyshire County and Derby City Air Quality Working Group
  • East Midlands Air Quality Network
  • The Federation of Small Businesses
  • Derby Renaissance Board
  • Active Travel Forum
  • East Midlands Airport Transport Forum.